Creation Time: 2015-07-22 12:01:03 INPUT: Annotations file: sample_annotation_file.txt Gene file: sample_gene_file.txt Use of gene file: normally ordered list lower limit annotations/process: 4 upper limit annotations/process: 0 (i.e., None) k (number of perturbed categories): 0 (i.e., each perturbed gene in its own category) belief: 5 Method: MCMC with parameter learning with an empty set as initial set repeats: 5 burnin steps: 1000 MCMC steps: 10000 Maximal value for alpha and beta: 0.346724736551 Probability parameter change: 0.2 seed for RNG: 0 Initial set of processes: Empty set INPUT ANALYSIS: Total number of processes: 8 Total number of genes: 20 Number of perturbed genes: 7 OUTPUT: Learnt parameters: alpha (FPR): 0.121353657793 beta (FNR): 0.294716026068 q (penalization parameter): 0.125 penalization per term, i.e., -log(q/(1-q)): 1.94591014906 Best found log likelihood value: -12.412927251+-0.00154646945353 Order #(Annotations) #(Annotations of perturbed genes) Mean Posterior Probability Standard Deviation Posterior Probability p-value Average Expression Level Term Name Explained Perturbed Genes 1 7 5 0.69144 0.0106 2.232e-02 0.555 ProcessA G1 G2 G4 G5 G6 2 5 4 0.56472 0.01906 3.070e-02 0.557 ProcessC G1 G2 G6 G7 3 4 2 0.20148 0.02431 4.392e-01 0.415 ProcessH G3 G5 4 5 1 0.02168 0.00601 9.170e-01 0.287 ProcessD G1 5 9 3 0.01168 0.00678 7.276e-01 0.26 ProcessB G2 G3 G7 6 12 4 0.0093 0.00475 7.492e-01 0.277 ProcessF G2 G3 G4 G7 7 14 4 0.00296 0.00298 9.223e-01 0.249 ProcessG G2 G3 G4 G7 8 11 4 0.00176 0.0011 6.300e-01 0.266 ProcessE G2 G4 G5 G7