Biorithm  1.1
MyBox Member List
This is the complete list of members for MyBox, including all inherited members.
checkBounded(int dim) const (defined in MyBox)MyBox [inline]
contains(const MyPoint &point) const (defined in MyBox)MyBox [inline]
free() (defined in MyBox)MyBox [inline]
getNumBounded() const (defined in MyBox)MyBox [inline]
getPValues(const MyPointSet &points, vector< MyNT > &pvalues) (defined in MyBox)MyBox [inline]
isSignificant(vector< vector< MyInterval > > &intervals) (defined in MyBox)MyBox
isSignificant(const MyPointSet &points, MyNT maxPValue) (defined in MyBox)MyBox
isSoftContained(vector< vector< MyInterval > > &intervals) (defined in MyBox)MyBox
MyBox() (defined in MyBox)MyBox [inline]
MyBox(const vector< MyNT > &lows, const vector< MyNT > &highs, const vector< bool > &bounded) (defined in MyBox)MyBox
MyBox(const MyPoint &centre, const vector< MyNT > &width, const vector< bool > &bounded) (defined in MyBox)MyBox
MyBox(const MyBox &copy) (defined in MyBox)MyBox [inline]
MyCluster (defined in MyBox)MyBox [friend]
operator=(const MyBox &rhs) (defined in MyBox)MyBox [inline]
operator==(const MyBox &rhs) const (defined in MyBox)MyBox
print(ostream &ostr, const vector< MyDimInfo > &dimensionInfo, MyVerbosityLevel verbosity) const (defined in MyBox)MyBox
update(const MyPointSet &points, const vector< int > &indices) (defined in MyBox)MyBox
update(const MyPointSet &points, int index) (defined in MyBox)MyBox
~MyBox() (defined in MyBox)MyBox [inline]
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