Biorithm  1.1
MyCluster Member List
This is the complete list of members for MyCluster, including all inherited members.
addDimension(int dim, MyNT start, MyNT end, const MyPointSet &points, bool check=false) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
addDimension(int dim, MyNT start, MyNT end, const vector< int > &contPoints) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
addDimension(const MyDimensionInterval &interval, const vector< int > &contPoints) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
addDimension(int dim, MyNT width, const MyPointSet &points) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
addPoint(const MyPointSet &points, int index) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
anneal(const MyPointSet &points, const vector< MyNT > &widths, MyClusterParams &params) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
chooseContainedPoints(MyPointSet &points) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
compare(const MyCluster &rhs, int &numDiff, int &numNew) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
compare(vector< MyCluster > &clusters, MyVerbosityLevel verbose) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
construct(const vector< MyNT > &width, const MyPointSet &points, bool brandNew=false) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
construct(const MyPointSet &points, const vector< int > &discIndices, const MyClusterParams &params, bool brandNew=false) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
construct(const vector< MyNT > &lows, const vector< MyNT > &highs, const MyPointSet &points, bool brandNew=false) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
countNumContained(const MyPointSet &points, const MyCluster &cluster) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
countNumContained(const MyPointSet &points, const vector< int > &indices) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
countNumContainedForDim(int dim, MyNT start, MyNT end, const MyPointSet &points) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
deleteDimension(int dim, const MyPointSet &points) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
deletePoint(const MyPointSet &points, int index) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
find(const MyPointSet &points, MyClusterParams &params, ofstream &ostr, const MyBoundedDim &boundedDimInfo, MyClusterSet *bestClusters=NULL) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
find(vector< MyPointSet > &pointSets, MyClusterParams &params, ofstream &ostr, vector< const MyBoundedDim * > &boundedDimInfo, MyClusterSet *bestClusters=NULL) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
find_greedy(const MyPointSet &points, MyClusterParams &params, ofstream &ostr, const vector< MyNT > &widths, vector< vector< MyInterval > > *intervals, vector< vector< vector< int > > > *intervalsForPoints) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
findContainedPoints(const MyPointSet &points, const MyCluster &cluster, vector< int > &pointsInside) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
findContainedPoints(const MyPointSet &points, const vector< int > &indices, vector< int > &pointsInside) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
findNotContainedPoints(const MyPointSet &points, const vector< MyCluster > &clusters, vector< int > &pointsOutside) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
findNotContainedPoints(const MyPointSet &points, const MyCluster &cluster, vector< int > &pointsOutside) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
findNotContainedPoints(const MyPointSet &points, const vector< int > &indices, vector< int > &pointsOutside) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
getContainedPoints(vector< int > &cont) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
getNumBounded() const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
getNumContained() const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
getPValues(const MyPointSet &points, vector< MyNT > &pvalues) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
hide(MyPointSet &points) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
hideContainedPoints(MyPointSet &points) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
homogeneity(const MyPointSet &points) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
isSignificant(vector< vector< MyInterval > > &intervals) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
isSignificant(const MyPointSet &points, MyNT maxPValue) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
isSoftContained(vector< vector< MyInterval > > &intervals) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
measure() const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
merge(const MyCluster &cluster) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
MyCluster() (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
MyCluster(const vector< MyNT > &lows, const vector< MyNT > &highs, const MyPointSet &points, const vector< int > &indices, const MyClusterParams &params) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
MyCluster(const vector< MyNT > &width, const MyPointSet &points, const vector< int > &indices, const MyClusterParams &params) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
MyCluster(const vector< MyNT > &lows, const vector< MyNT > &highs, const MyPointSet &points, bool saveMemory=false) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
MyCluster(const MyPointSet &points, const vector< int > &indices, const MyClusterParams &params) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
MyCluster(const MyCluster &copy) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
operator!=(const MyCluster &rhs) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
operator<(const MyCluster &other) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
operator=(const MyCluster &rhs) (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
operator==(const MyCluster &rhs) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
operator>(const MyCluster &other) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
print(ostream &ostr, MyVerbosityLevel verbosity) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
print(ostream &ostr, const MyPointSet &points, MyVerbosityLevel verbosity, bool printItemSetFormat=false) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
printExtra(ostream &ostr, const MyPointSet &points) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
pValueGaussian(const MyPointSet &points) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
pValueShamir(const MyPointSet &points) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
quality(MyNT alpha, int numPoints, int numDims) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
similar(const MyCluster &other) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
similar(const MyCluster &other, MyNT threshold) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
support(MyNT alpha, int numPoints, int numDims) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
type(const MyPointSet &points) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster
updatePointCounts(vector< unsigned int > &pointCounts) const (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
~MyCluster() (defined in MyCluster)MyCluster [inline]
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