Biorithm  1.1
MyGainGraph Member List
This is the complete list of members for MyGainGraph, including all inherited members.
_check() const (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [protected]
_checkDegree() const (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [protected]
_checkNodeTotalEdgeWeight() (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
_computeDensestSubgraphApprox(MyGraph &subgraph, bool hide=false, ostream *fstr=NULL) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [protected]
_computeDensestWeightedSubgraphApprox(MyGraph &subgraph, bool optimiseStouffersZscore=false, bool hide=false, ostream *fstr=NULL) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [protected]
_copyEdges(const MyGraph &copy) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [protected]
_copyNodes(const MyGraph &copy) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [protected]
_core(unsigned int k, bool hide, ostream *fstr) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [protected]
_createDegreeLists(unsigned int &minDegree, vector< list< MyNodeId > > &degreeLists, map< MyNodeId, list< MyNodeId >::iterator > &nodePositions) const (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
_decrementDegrees(vector< list< MyNodeId > > &degreeLists, map< MyNodeId, list< MyNodeId >::iterator > &nodePositions, const set< MyNodeId > &neighbours) const (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
_find_cores(vector< MyGraph > &cores) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [protected]
_findCliques(vector< MyGraph > &cliques, ostream &ostr) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [protected]
_getNode(MyNodeId id) const (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [inline]
_getNode(MyNodeId id) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [inline]
_getNode(MyNodePtr &nptr) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [inline, protected]
_getNode(MyConstNodePtr &nptr) const (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [inline, protected]
_getNodeId(MyNodePtr &nptr) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [inline, protected]
_getNodeId(MyConstNodePtr &nptr) const (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [inline, protected]
_tryAddingNode(MyNodeId nid, const set< MyNodeId > &currentClique) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [protected]
add(MyGraph &other)MyGraph [virtual]
addEdge(const MyEdge &edge) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
addEdge(MyNodeId nodeId1, MyNodeId nodeId2, MyNT weight=1, set< string > *types=NULL, bool keepGraphSimple=true)MyGraph
addInduced(MyGraph &other)MyGraph [virtual]
addNode(MyNodeId id) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [inline]
addNode(const MyNode &node) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [inline]
addNodeFunction(MyNodeId id, string function) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [inline]
addNodes(set< MyNodeId > ids)MyGraph [inline]
assignEdgeWeightFromDepth(const MyGainParams &gainParams, string annotationType, string category, unsigned int depth, MyEdge &edge) (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph
assignEdgeWeightsFromEdgeTypeWeights(const map< string, MyNT > &edgeTypeWeights) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
clear() (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [virtual]
components(vector< MyGraph > *comps=NULL)MyGraph
computeBinaryVector(const map< string, unsigned int > &edgeToColumn, vector< unsigned int > &binaryVector) const MyGraph
computeChangeInEnergy(MyNodeStatesType &nodeStates, string changedNodeId) (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph
computeClosestNode(const MyNode &rootNode, MyNodeIdSet &nodeSet, MyNodeId &closest)MyGraph
computeCommonNeighbours(MyNode &node1, MyNode &node2, set< MyNodeId > &common)MyGraph
computeCompleteness() const MyGraph [inline]
computeDenseFunctions(ostream *fstr, MyAnnotations &annotations, GeneOntology &go, map< string, MyGraph > &denseFunctionSubgraphs) (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph
computeDensestSubgraphApprox(MyGraph &subgraph, bool optimiseStouffersZscore=false, ostream *fstr=NULL) const (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
computeDenseSubgraphs(ostream &logStream, vector< MyGraph > &denseSubgraphs, bool computeDenseSubgraphsTillTheBitterEnd=false, bool splitDenseSubgraphsIntoComponents=false, bool suppressDetails=false)MyGraph
computeDensity() const MyGraph
computeEdgeBetweenessCentrality(ostream *fstr, map< MyEdge, MyNT > *bets)MyGraph
computeEdgeProbabilitiesPerDepth(MyGainParams &params, const map< unsigned int, set< GOFunction * > > &functionsByDepth, MyAnnotations &annotations, map< BioFunction, MyHistogram > &probabilities) (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph
computeEdgeProbabilitiesPerParent(MyGainParams &params, GeneOntology &go, MyAnnotations &annotations, map< BioFunction, MyHistogram > &probs) (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph
computeEdgeTypeCounts(map< string, unsigned int > &counts) const MyGraph
computeEdgeTypeOverlaps() const MyGraph
computeEdgeTypeSubgraphs(ostream &logStream, map< string, MyGraph > &edgeTypeSubgraphs, bool useShared=1)MyGraph
computeEdgeTypeWeightsByCutoffFromSharedFunctionRatio(MyAnnotations &annotations, GeneOntology &go, MyGainParams &gainParams) (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph
computeEdgeTypeWeightsByDepthFromSharedFunctionRatio(MyAnnotations &annotations, GeneOntology &go, MyGainParams &gainParams) (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph
computeEdgeTypeWeightsJaccard(ostream &logStream, MyAnnotations &annotations) (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph
computeEnergy(MyNodeStatesType &nodeStates) (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph
computeExpansionNodeBased(MyGraph &superGraph)MyGraph
computeHistogramEdgeWeights(MyHistogram &hist, bool cumulative=false, bool reverse=false)MyGraph
computeHistogramNodeWeights(MyHistogram &hist, bool cumulative=false, bool reverse=false)MyGraph
computeInducedSubgraph(const set< MyNodeId > &subgraphNodes, MyGraph &subgraph) const MyGraph
computeInput(string nodeId, MyNodeStatesType &nodeStates) const (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph
computeIntersection(const vector< MyGraph > &others)MyGraph
computeMaximumSpanningTreePrim(MyGraph &mst)MyGraph
computeMinimumSpanningTreePrim(MyGraph &mst)MyGraph
computeMostPerturbedSubgraph(MyGraph &subgraph, unsigned int numIterationsFactor, ostream &logStream, bool runOnCopy=true)MyGraph
computeMostSimilarGraphEdges(const vector< MyGraph > &others, unsigned int &bestIndex) const MyGraph
computeMostSimilarGraphNodes(const vector< MyGraph > &others, unsigned int &bestIndex) const MyGraph
computeMSTPrim(MyGraph &mst) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
computeNodeBetweenessCentrality(ostream *fstr, map< MyNodeId, MyNT > *bets) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
computeNumCommonEdges(const MyGraph &other) const MyGraph
computeNumCommonEdgesWeighted(const MyGraph &other) const MyGraph
computeNumCommonNodes(const MyGraph &other) const MyGraph
computeNumCommonNodesWeighted(const MyGraph &other) const MyGraph
computeProbabilitiesFromEdgeWeights(ostream &fstr, const MyPointSet &geData, string experimentName, MyHistogram &edgeWeightsToProbabilities) (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph
computeProbabilitiesFromEdgeWeights(ostream &fstr, MyAnnotations &annotations, const vector< BioFunction > *functionVector, MyHistogram &edgeWeightsToProbabilities)MyGainGraph
computeSegregation(MyNodeIdList &nodes)MyGraph [inline]
computeSeparator(const set< MyNodeId > &nodes, set< MyNodeId > &separator)MyGraph
computeSeparatorRatio(MyGraph subgraph)MyGraph
computeShortestPathDAG(const MyNode &node, map< MyNodeId, MyNT > &distance, map< MyNodeId, unsigned int > &count)MyGraph
computeShortestPathDAG(const MyNodeId nodeid, map< MyNodeId, MyNT > &distance, map< MyNodeId, unsigned int > &count)MyGraph
computeShortestPathDAG(const MyNode &node, map< MyNodeId, MyNT > &distance, map< MyNodeId, unsigned int > &count, stack< MyNodeId > &descendents, map< MyNodeId, vector< MyNodeId > > &predecessors) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
computeShortestPathDAG(const MyNode &node, map< MyNodeId, MyNT > &distance, map< MyNodeId, unsigned int > &count, stack< MyNodeId > &descendents, map< MyNodeId, vector< MyNodeId > > &predecessors, map< MyNodeId, vector< MyNodeId > > &successors) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
computeSimilarityEdges(const MyGraph &other, bool jacquard=true, bool asymmetric=false) const MyGraph
computeSimilarityEdgesWeighted(const MyGraph &other, bool jacquard=true, bool asymmetric=false) const MyGraph
computeSimilarityNodes(const MyGraph &other, bool jacquard=true, bool asymmetric=false) const MyGraph
computeSimilarityNodesWeighted(const MyGraph &other, bool jacquard=true, bool asymmetric=false) const MyGraph
computeStouffersZScore() const MyGraph
computeStouffersZScoreSlowly() const MyGraph
ConstIncidentEdgeIterator typedef (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
construct(const map< string, map< string, MyNT > > &allEdgeWeights)MyGraph [virtual]
copyEdgeWeights(MyGraph &other)MyGraph
core(unsigned int k, MyGraph &subgraph, bool hide, ostream *fstr=NULL) const (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
createErdosRenyiNPGraph(MyGraph &graph, unsigned long numNodes, MyNT prob=0.5)MyGraph [static]
createSubgraph(const vector< MyNodeId > &deletedNodes, MyGraph &subgraph) const MyGraph
degree(MyNodeId nid) const MyGraph [inline]
degrees(map< unsigned int, unsigned int > &distribution) const MyGraph
deleteEdge(MyNodeId node1, MyNodeId node2)MyGraph
deleteNode(MyNodeId id, set< MyNodeId > *neighbours=NULL)MyGraph
deleteNodeSet(const set< MyNodeId > ids)MyGraph
deleteSubgraphEdges(MyGraph &subgraph)MyGraph
deleteSubgraphNodes(MyGraph &subgraph)MyGraph
Edge typedef (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
EdgeIterator typedef (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
edges()MyGraph [inline, virtual]
edges() const MyGraph [inline, virtual]
find_cores(vector< MyGraph > &cores) const (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
findCliques(vector< MyGraph > &cliques, ostream &ostr) const (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
getEdge(MyNodeId node1, MyNodeId node2) const MyGraph [inline]
getEdge(MyNodeId node1, MyNodeId node2, MyEdgePtr &ptr) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [inline]
getEdgeSet(set< string > &edgeSet) const MyGraph [inline]
getId() const (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [inline]
getName() const (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [inline]
getNodeSet(set< MyNodeId > &nodeSet) const MyGraph [inline]
getNodeVec(vector< MyNodeId > &nodeVec) const MyGraph [inline]
getTotalAbsoluteEdgeWeight() const MyGraph
getTotalAbsoluteNodeWeight() const MyGraph
getTotalEdgeWeight() const MyGraph
getTotalNodeWeight() const MyGraph
getTotalSquaredNodeDegrees() const MyGraph
IncidentEdgeIterator typedef (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
incidentEdges(MyNodeId nodeId) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [inline, virtual]
incidentEdges(MyNode &node) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [inline, virtual]
isEdge(MyNodeId node1, MyNodeId node2) const MyGraph [inline]
isEdge(const MyNode &node1, const MyNode &node2) const MyGraph [inline]
isEdgeValid(MyEdgePtr eptr)MyGraph [inline]
isHiddenNode(MyNodeId id) const MyGraph [inline]
isInduced(const MyGraph &subgraph)MyGraph
isNode(const MyNode &node) const MyGraph [inline]
isNode(MyNodeId id) const MyGraph [inline]
isValidEdge(const MyEdgePtr &eptr) const MyGraph [inline]
isVisibleNode(MyNodeId id) const MyGraph [inline]
MyConstEdgeIterator typedef (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
MyConstEdgePtr typedef (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
MyConstNodeIterator typedef (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
MyConstNodePtr typedef (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
MyEdgeIterator typedef (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
MyEdgeList typedef (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
MyEdgePtr typedef (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
MyGainGraph() (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph [inline]
MyGainGraph(string infile, string type, string outputDir, string commandLine, MyNT minEdgeWeight=0) (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph [inline]
MyGraph() (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [inline]
MyGraph(string infile, string type, MyNT minEdgeWeight=0) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [inline]
MyGraph(const MyGraph &copy) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
MyNodeList typedef (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
MyNodePtr typedef (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
Node typedef (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
nodeFunctions(MyNodeId id, vector< string > &fns) const (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [inline]
NodeIterator typedef (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
nodes()MyGraph [inline, virtual]
nodes() const MyGraph [inline, virtual]
numEdges() const MyGraph [inline]
numHiddenEdges() const MyGraph [inline]
numHiddenNodes() const MyGraph [inline]
numNodes() const MyGraph [inline]
operator<(const MyGraph &rhs) const MyGraph
operator=(const MyGraph &rhs) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
power(unsigned int distance) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
print(ostream &fstr=cout, string name="")MyGraph [virtual]
printAllPairsShortestPathDistances(ostream &ostr)MyGraph
printAllPairsShortestPathDistances(string outfile)MyGraph
printDimacs(string filename, MyNodeStatesType &nodeStates, string format) (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph
printEdges(ostream &fstr=cout, string name="") const MyGraph [virtual]
printEdgesItemset(ostream &fstr, vector< string > types) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [virtual]
printEdgeTypeCounts(ostream &ostr) const MyGraph
printNodes(ostream &fstr=cout, string name="")MyGraph [virtual]
printStates(ofstream &ostr, const MyNodeStatesType &states, string currentFunc, string algorithm="Hopfield", bool printAll=false) (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph
randomise(MyGraph &random, map< MyNodeId, bool > *vertexcover=NULL)MyGraph
randomiseErdosRenyiSubgraph(MyGraph &random, const vector< MyNodeId > &subgraphNodes, MyNT prob=0.5)MyGraph
randomiseErdosRenyiSubgraph(MyGraph &random, const set< MyNodeId > &subgraphNodes, MyNT prob=0.5)MyGraph
randomiseErdosRenyiSubgraph(const set< MyNodeId > &subgraphNodes, MyNT prob)MyGraph
randomiseVectorOfEdges(MyGraph &random, unsigned int numIterations)MyGraph
read(string fileName, string type="", MyNT minEdgeWeight=0, ostream &logStream=cout)MyGraph [virtual]
read2(string fileName, string type="", MyNT minEdgeWeight=0, ostream &logstream=cout)MyGraph [virtual]
readEdgeTypeGroups(string fileName) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
readEdgeWeights(string weightsFile) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [virtual]
readNodeTypes(string file)MyGraph [virtual]
reduce2(ostream &hopstr, map< MyNodeId, MyGainTriStateType > &nodeStates, const MyGainParams &params, MyGainGraph &reducedGraph, MyNodeIdSet &unpredictableNodes)MyGainGraph
resetThreshold() (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph [inline]
runMinCut(string outfile, MyNodeStatesType &nodeStates, const MyGainParams &params) (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph
setEdgeWeight(MyNodeId node1, MyNodeId node2, MyNT weight) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
setEdgeWeight(MyEdge *edge, MyNT weight) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
setEdgeWeights(ostream &fstr, const MyHistogram &edgeWeightsToProbabilities) (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph
setEdgeWeightsCorrelations(ostream &fstr, const MyPointSet &geData) (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph
setName(string name) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [inline]
setNodeWeights() (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph
setUseDegree(bool ud) (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph [inline]
sparsify(string method)MyGraph [virtual]
subtract(MyGraph &other)MyGraph [virtual]
transformEdgeWeights(_Transform function)MyGraph
transformEdgeWeightsString(string transform)MyGraph [virtual]
translateTypes(const set< string > &types, set< string > &workingTypes, bool useShared=1) (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph
weightedDegree(MyNodeId nid) const MyGraph [inline]
~MyGainGraph() (defined in MyGainGraph)MyGainGraph [inline, virtual]
~MyGraph() (defined in MyGraph)MyGraph [inline, virtual]
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