Biorithm  1.1
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MyAnnotations Class Reference

#include <old-annotations.h>

List of all members.


class  BioFunctionsConstIterator
 A class that iterates over all functions of a particular type. It contains the methods hasNext() and next() to sustain the advance. This iterator cannot be used to modify the instance of MyAnnotations on which it is invoked. More...
class  BioFunctionsIterator
 A class that iterates over all functions of a particular type. It contains the methods hasNext() and next() to sustain the advance. This iterator can be used to modify the instance of MyAnnotations on which it is invoked. More...
class  BioFunctionsIteratorMultiIndex
 This class implements an iterator over all functions stored in an instance of MyAnnotations. The iterator automatically ranges over all function categories and within each category over all functions belonging to that category. More...

Public Member Functions

void setOverlappingFunctionsFlag ()
void addAnnotation (string gene, const BioFunction &function, string evidenceCode, MyGainAnnotationType status=ANNOTATED_STATE, bool msa=false)
 Add the annotation function for gene.
void addAnnotation (string gene, string function, string funcType, string evidenceCode, MyGainAnnotationType status=ANNOTATED_STATE, bool msa=false)
 Add the annotation function for gene in the functional category funcType.
void applyTruePathRule (GeneOntology &go, bool applyUpward=true, bool applyDownward=true, bool applySideways=true)
bool checkTruePathRule (GeneOntology &go, ostream *ostr=NULL, bool *annotationsOK=NULL, bool *unknownOK=NULL)
 Returns true if the annotations satisfy the GO true path rule.
void computeDifference (MyAnnotations &other, MyAnnotations &difference, bool restrictToCommonGenes=false)
 Computes the annotations that are in the invocant but not in other/.
void computeEnrichments (const set< string > &geneSet, const GeneOntology *go, vector< EnrichmentRecord< string, string > > &rejalts)
 Compute the functions in the invocant that are enriched in a set of genes. If go is not NULL, use the Ontologizer algorithm.
void computeEnrichmentsGenGO (const set< string > &geneSet, vector< EnrichmentRecord< string, string > > &rejalts, const GeneOntology *go=NULL, GenGOParametersOptimisationType optType=GENGO_PARAMETER_OPTIMISATION_NONE) const
 Compute the functions in the invocant that are enriched in a set of genes using the GenGO algorithm (
void computeEnrichmentsGenGO (const set< string > &geneSet, string functionType, vector< EnrichmentRecord< string, string > > &rejalts, const GeneOntology *go=NULL, GenGOParametersOptimisationType optType=GENGO_PARAMETER_OPTIMISATION_NONE) const
 Compute the functions of a specific type in the invocant that are enriched in a set of genes using the GenGO algorithm (
MyNT computeFunctionFrequency (string funcType, string func)
 Return the fraction of (annotated) genes that are annotated by func, only considering genes annotated by functions belonging to the category funcType.
void computeStatistics ()
void computeGeneCounts (map< BioFunction, unsigned int > &geneCounts)
void copyAnnotationsForFunctions (const set< BioFunction > &functions, MyAnnotations &annotations)
functions (string type)
functionsMultiIndex () const
set< string > functionTypes () const
 Return a set containing the different function types (categories). Example of function categories are "cellular component", "molecular function", and "biological process" in the Gene Ontology.
MyNT getAnnotatedFunctionWeight (string gene, string func, string type)
 Return the weight of the evidence code of the annotation of gene by function func.
MyNT getAnnotatedFunctionWeightProbabilisticOr (string gene, string func, string type)
 Return the weight of the evidence code of the annotation of gene by function func, after combining multiple evidence code weights using the "probabilistic or".
map< string, MyNT > getAnnotatedFunctionWeights (string gene, string func, string type)
 Return the weights of the evidence codes for the annotation of gene by function func.
map< string, MyNT > getAnnotatedWeights (string gene, string type)
 Return the weights of the evidence codes for the annotation of gene by all functions in the category type.
void getAnnotatedGenes (string functype, set< string > &annotatedGenes)
 Return the set of all genes annotated with a given function type. If the given function type is the empty string, return all annotated genes.
void getAnnotations (string type, map< string, set< string > > &annotations) const
 Return the set of all annotations for functions of a given type, keyed by function.
void getAnnotationsByGene (string type, map< string, set< string > > &annotations) const
 Return the set of all annotations for functions of a given type, keyed by gene.
virtual void getAnnotations (string type, string function, set< string > &annotations) const
void getAnnotations (const GOFunction *function, set< string > &annotations) const
void getAnnotations (const set< GOFunction * > &functions, set< string > &annotations) const
virtual void getAnnotationsForGene (string type, string gene, set< string > &annotations) const
void getEvidenceCodeCounts (map< string, unsigned int > &ecCounts) const
 Return the number of times each evidence code appears among all the annotations.
void getEvidenceCodeCounts (string funcType, string funcId, map< string, unsigned int > &ecCounts) const
 Return the number of times each evidence code appears among the annotation for a particular function.
MyNT getFunctionFrequency (string function) const
 Return the fraction of genes annotated by a function.
string getFunctionType (string functionName) const
 Determine function's type from its name.
bool hasExperimentallyAnnotatedFunction (string gene, string category) const
 Return true if and only if the gene is annotated via an experimental evidence code by any function in the specified category.
bool hasAnnotatedFunction (string gene) const
 Return true if and only if gene is annotated with at least one function (in any category).
bool hasAnnotatedFunction (string gene, string category) const
 Return true if and only if gene is annotated with at least one function from the specified functional category.
bool isNotKnownToBeAnnotatedWithFunction (string gene, string func, string type)
 Return true if and only if gene is not annotated with respect to the function func belonging to functional category type.
bool isNotKnownToBeAnnotatedWithFunctionSansTruePathRule (string gene, string func, string type, GeneOntology &goDAG)
 Return true if and only if gene is not annotated with respect to the function func belonging to functional category type.
bool hasAnnotatedGene (string func, string type) const
 Return true if and only if function (belong to functional category type) annotates at least one gene.
bool hasAnnotatedGene (const BioFunction &function) const
 Return true if and only if function annotates at least one gene.
bool haveSameFunction (string gene1, string gene2, const BioFunction &function)
bool haveSameFunction (string gene1, string gene2, const vector< BioFunction > &functionVector)
template<class InputIterator >
bool haveSameFunction (string gene1, string gene2, InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
bool haveSameFunction (string gene1, string gene2, string type)
bool haveSameFunction (string gene1, string gene2)
bool haveOverlappingFunction (string gene1, string function, string type)
bool isAnnotatedWithFunction (string gene, string func, string type, bool beforeTruePathRule=false)
 Return true if and only if gene is annotated with the function func belonging to the function category type.
bool isAnnotatedWithFunctionExperimentally (string gene, string func, string type)
 Return true if and only if gene has the function func belonging to the function cateogry type and if the evidence code for the annotation is experimental, e.g., IDA, IPI, IEP, TAS, or NAS.
bool isUnknownFunction (string func, string type) const
 Return true if and only if func is the unknown function for function category "type".
void keepAnnotationsForGenes (set< string > &geneSet)
unsigned int numAnnotations (string category="")
 Return the total number of annotations, i.e., gene-function pairs where the function annotates the gene.
unsigned int numUnknownAnnotations (string category="")
 Return the total number of non-annotations, i.e., gene-function pairs where the annotation status of the gene with respect to the function is unknown.
unsigned int numAnnotatedGenes (string funcType, string function)
unsigned int numAnnotatedGenes (string funcType="")
 Return the total number of genes annotated by any function in the category funcType.
unsigned int numAnnotatingFunctions (string gene, string funcType)
 Return the number of functions (of category funcType) annotating gene.
unsigned int numAnnotatingFunctions (string funcType="")
 Return the total number of functions (of category funcType) annotating at least one gene.
unsigned int numNonAnnotatedGenes (string funcType)
 Return the number of genes not annotated by any function in the category funcType.
unsigned int numTotalNonAnnotatedGenes (string function, string funcType)
 Return the total number of genes not annotated by the function (these genes have unknown status), including those genes not annotated by any function in the category funcType.
unsigned int numNonAnnotatedGenes (string funcType, string function)
unsigned int numUnknownAnnotatingFunctions (string gene, string funcType)
 Return the number of functions in the category funcType that do not annotate gene.
unsigned int numNegativeGenes (string funcType, string function)
void print (string fileName)
 Print annotations to a file.
void printWithName (string fileName)
void printNumAnnotationsPerFunction (ostream &numFunStream)
 Print information on the number of annotations, depth, and category for each function.
void read (string fileName, string dataType="unweighted", const map< string, set< string > > *nodeAliases=NULL, bool mostSpecificAnnotations=false, const set< string > *evidenceCodesToIgnore=NULL)
void read (string fileName, unsigned int keySize)
void readGO (string fileName, unsigned int altSymbolCol=0)
void readEvidenceCodeWeights (string ecwFile)
 Read evidence code weights. See GOEvidenceCodes::readEvidenceCodeWeights() for details.
void subtract (MyAnnotations &other, MyAnnotations &difference)
 Find the gene-function annotation pairs in the invocant that are not in other and store these pairs in difference.
void storeGODAG (GeneOntology &go)
void readOverlappingFunctions (string fileName)


class NewBioFunctionsIterator

Detailed Description

This class stores (gene, function) pairs, where the function annotates the gene.

Here is an example of creating an instance of MyAnnotations:

    GeneOntology go;"gene-ontology.obo");
    MyAnnotations ann;"annotations.txt");
    ann.applyTruePathRule(go, true, false, false);

One common use of this class is to loop through all functions stored in it. Here is a skeleton of a typical loop through a MyAnnotations object called annotations. Further more, in this skeleton we also show how to get all the genes annotated by the function.

    set< string > types = annotations.functionTypes();
    set< string >::const_iterator titr;
    for (titr = types.begin(); titr != types.end(); titr++)
        MyAnnotations::BioFunctionsIterator bfItr = annotations.functions(*titr);
        while (bfItr.hasNext())
            BioFunction function(*titr,;
            set< MyNodeId > genesAnnotatedByFunction;
            annotations.getAnnotations(function.getCategory(), function.getId(), genesAnnotatedByFunction);

Another way to loop over all the functions is the following (this method will replace the previous one at some point, with MyAnnotations::functionsMultiIndex() being renamed to MyAnnotations::functions()):

    MyAnnotations::BioFunctionsIteratorMultiIndex mitr = annotations.functionsMultiIndex();
    BioFunction function;
    while (mitr.hasNext())
        function =;
process the function.

Member Function Documentation

void MyAnnotations::applyTruePathRule ( GeneOntology go,
bool  applyUpward = true,
bool  applyDownward = true,
bool  applySideways = true 

Transfer annotations up and down the Gene Ontology DAG.

In addition to go, the method takes three optional boolean parameters that default to true. These parameters control in which "direction" in the Gene Ontology DAG, the method should apply the true path rule.

[in]go,areference to an instance of GeneOntology.
[in]applyUpward;if this boolean is true, for every gene g annotated by a function f, ensure that every ancestor of f also annotates g.
[in]applyDownward;if this boolean is true, for every gene g annotated by a function f, ensure that the annotation status of g with respect to every descendant of f is unknown. The method only considers a pair (g, f) only if f is one of the most specific annotations of g, i.e., if no descendant of f annotates g.
[in]applySideways;if this boolean is true, for every gene g annotated by a function f (when no descendant of f annotates g), ensure that the annotation status of g with respect to f' is unknown, for every function f' that satisfies the following criteria:

(a) f' is a descendant of an ancestor of f and

(b) f' is an ancestor of a descendant of f.

The parameter go is not a const reference since invoking this method may change internal data structures in go.
(The following point is a detail, but is nevertheless important to note.) Sometimes a gene may be annotated with a function and with an ancestor of that function, with or without different evidence codes. (This does happen in GO annotation files.) When adding an annotation for the gene with the ancestor (because of the true path rule), this method ignores the fact that the gene is already annotated with the ancestor. Hence if the annotation of the gene with both functions share the same evidence code, then the newly-added annotation will overwrite the old annotation, especially the fact that the old annotation is a most-specific annotation.
bool MyAnnotations::checkTruePathRule ( GeneOntology go,
ostream *  ostr = NULL,
bool *  annotationsOK = NULL,
bool *  unknownOK = NULL 

Returns true if the annotations satisfy the GO true path rule.

[in]go,areference to an instance of GeneOntology.
[in]ostr,apointer to an output stream. If this parameter is not NULL, the method prints details of violating annotations to the stream.
inout]annotationsOK, a pointer to a bool whose default value is NULL. If the pointer is not NULL, the method checks if the annotations have been correctly transferred upward. The method also sets the value of the boolean pointed to to true if the transfer is correct.
inout]unknownOK, a pointer to a bool whose default value is NULL. If the pointer is not NULL, the method checks if the annotations have been correctly transferred downward. The method also sets the value of the boolean pointed to to true if the transfer is correct.
true, if the requested checks report correct transfer and false otherwise.
void MyAnnotations::computeDifference ( MyAnnotations other,
MyAnnotations difference,
bool  restrictToCommonGenes = false 

Computes the annotations that are in the invocant but not in other/.

This method computes the set difference between two instances of MyAnnotations. The result is an instance of MyAnnotations contains every gene-function pair that is in the invocant but not in other.

[in]rhs,aninstance of MyAnnotations.
[out]difference,aninstance of MyAnnotations that will hold the result.
[in]restrictToCommonGenes,iftrue, difference will only contain annotations for genes that have annotations in other too. The default value is true.
If the invocant is transtively closed but other is not, then difference may contain all the annotations in the invocant induced by the transitive closure.
The method does not process annotations of unknown status, i.e., gene-function pairs where it is not known whether the function annotates the gene.
void MyAnnotations::computeEnrichments ( const set< string > &  geneSet,
const GeneOntology go,
vector< EnrichmentRecord< string, string > > &  rejalts 

Compute the functions in the invocant that are enriched in a set of genes. If go is not NULL, use the Ontologizer algorithm.

If the go parameter is NULL, this method does not do anything!
void MyAnnotations::computeEnrichmentsGenGO ( const set< string > &  geneSet,
vector< EnrichmentRecord< string, string > > &  rejalts,
const GeneOntology go = NULL,
GenGOParametersOptimisationType  optType = GENGO_PARAMETER_OPTIMISATION_NONE 
) const

Compute the functions in the invocant that are enriched in a set of genes using the GenGO algorithm (

[in]geneSet,theset of genes for which the set of enriched functions must be computed.
[out]rejalts,avector holding the enriched functions.
[in]go,apointer to an instance of GeneOntology. If go is not NULL, use it to speed up the algorithm.
Although the algorithm is called GenGO, it is applicable to any functional catalogue, including a flat one (non-hierarchical one). This method can apply GenGO to MSigDB, for example.
void MyAnnotations::computeEnrichmentsGenGO ( const set< string > &  geneSet,
string  functionType,
vector< EnrichmentRecord< string, string > > &  rejalts,
const GeneOntology go = NULL,
GenGOParametersOptimisationType  optType = GENGO_PARAMETER_OPTIMISATION_NONE 
) const

Compute the functions of a specific type in the invocant that are enriched in a set of genes using the GenGO algorithm (

[in]functionType,astring specifying the category/type of the functions to consider (e.g., MSigDB_correlation, KEGG, or "biological_process").
The other parameters are the same as for the previous method..
virtual MyAnnotations::BioFunctionsIterator MyAnnotations::functions ( string  type) [inline, virtual]

Return an iterator over the functions of a particular type.

[in]type,afunction "type" (e.g., KEGG, c, f, or p, where "c", "f", and "p" stand for GO's cellular component, molecular function, and biological process categories).

Return an iterator over the functions of a particular type using the multi-index data structure.

set< string > MyAnnotations::functionTypes ( ) const [inline]

Return a set containing the different function types (categories). Example of function categories are "cellular component", "molecular function", and "biological process" in the Gene Ontology.

This information is taken from the "hierarchy" column in the file that is input to MyAnnotations::read().
MyNT MyAnnotations::getAnnotatedFunctionWeight ( string  gene,
string  func,
string  type 

Return the weight of the evidence code of the annotation of gene by function func.

[in]genea string denoting the ID of the gene.
[in]funca string denoting the ID of the function.
[in]typea string denoting the type of function of interest, e.g., "b" for GO biological process or "biocarta" for Biocarta pathways.
The method assumes that evidence code weights have been read using MyAnnotations::readEvidenceCodeWeights(). If the gene-function pair has multiple evidence codes, the method returns the largest weight.
MyNT MyAnnotations::getAnnotatedFunctionWeightProbabilisticOr ( string  gene,
string  func,
string  type 

Return the weight of the evidence code of the annotation of gene by function func, after combining multiple evidence code weights using the "probabilistic or".

See MyAnnotations::getAnnotatedFunctionWeight() for documentation on the parameters. If there is more than one evidence code for the annotation of gene by func, then the method combines the weights of these evidence codes using the "probabilistic or": for two weights $x$ and $y$, their probabilistic OR is $1 - (1 - x)(1 - y)$. This formula is straightforward to generalize to multiple weights.

map< string, MyNT > MyAnnotations::getAnnotatedFunctionWeights ( string  gene,
string  func,
string  type 

Return the weights of the evidence codes for the annotation of gene by function func.

[in]genea string denoting the ID of the gene.
[in]funca string denoting the ID of the function.
[in]typea string denoting the type of function of interest, e.g., "b" for GO biological process or "biocarta" for Biocarta pathways.
The method assumes that evidence code weights have been read using MyAnnotations::readEvidenceCodeWeights().
void MyAnnotations::getAnnotatedGenes ( string  functype,
set< string > &  annotatedGenes 

Return the set of all genes annotated with a given function type. If the given function type is the empty string, return all annotated genes.

[in]functype,astring denoting the type of function of interest.
[out]annotatedGenes,aset in which to store the genes annotated with the given function type.
map< string, MyNT > MyAnnotations::getAnnotatedWeights ( string  gene,
string  type 

Return the weights of the evidence codes for the annotation of gene by all functions in the category type.

[in]genea string denoting the ID of the gene.
[in]typea string denoting the type of function of interest, e.g., "b" for GO biological process or "biocarta" for Biocarta pathways.
The method assumes that evidence code weights have been read using MyAnnotations::readEvidenceCodeWeights().
The running time of this method is linear in the total number of annotations stored for gene in category type, whether or not the annotations are the most specific ones. In other words, the method will also process annotations for the gene that have been propagated due to the true path rule.
void MyAnnotations::getAnnotations ( string  type,
map< string, set< string > > &  annotations 
) const

Return the set of all annotations for functions of a given type, keyed by function.

[in]type,astring denoting the type of function of interest, e.g., "b" for GO biological process or "biocarta" for Biocarta pathways.
[out]annotations,amap, each of whose keys is a function and each of whose values is a set of genes annotated with the function.
void MyAnnotations::getAnnotations ( string  type,
string  function,
set< string > &  annotations 
) const [virtual]

Return the set of all annotations for a given function.

[in]type,astring denoting the type of function of interest, e.g., "b" for GO biological process or "biocarta" for Biocarta pathways.
[in]function,astring denoting the ID of the function.
[out]annotations,aset of genes annotated with the function.
void MyAnnotations::getAnnotations ( const GOFunction function,
set< string > &  annotations 
) const

Return the set of all annotations for a given function.

[in]function,aGOFunction pointer to the function of interest
[out]annotations,aset of genes annotated with the function.
void MyAnnotations::getAnnotations ( const set< GOFunction * > &  functions,
set< string > &  annotations 
) const

Return the set of all annotations for a set of functions, all of the same type.

[in]functions,aset containing GOFunction pointers.
[out]annotations,aset of genes annotated with the function.
void MyAnnotations::getAnnotationsByGene ( string  type,
map< string, set< string > > &  annotations 
) const

Return the set of all annotations for functions of a given type, keyed by gene.

[in]type,astring denoting the type of function of interest, e.g., "b" for GO biological process or "biocarta" for Biocarta pathways.
[out]annotations,amap, each of whose keys is a gene and each of whose values is a set of functions annotating that gene.
This method returns the "transpose" of the data returned by getAnnotations().
void MyAnnotations::getAnnotationsForGene ( string  type,
string  gene,
set< string > &  annotations 
) const [virtual]

Return the set of all annotations for a given gene.

[in]type,astring denoting the type of functions of interest, e.g., "b" for GO biological process or "biocarta" for Biocarta pathways. If this parameter is the empty string, the method returns all functions annotating the gene.
[in]gene,astring denoting the ID of the gene.
[out]annotations,aset of functions annotating the gene. function.
The method inserts all annotating functions into annotations. If you call this method repeatedly, e.g., in a loop, make sure you empty annotations before every invocation.
void MyAnnotations::getEvidenceCodeCounts ( map< string, unsigned int > &  ecCounts) const [inline]

Return the number of times each evidence code appears among all the annotations.

[out]ecCountsa map each of whose keys is an evidence code and whose value is the number of times that evidence code appears in the annotations.
void MyAnnotations::getEvidenceCodeCounts ( string  funcType,
string  funcId,
map< string, unsigned int > &  ecCounts 
) const

Return the number of times each evidence code appears among the annotation for a particular function.

[in]funcTypethe category the function belongs to.
[in]funcIdthe id of the function.
[out]ecCountsa map each of whose keys is an evidence code and whose value is the number of times that evidence code // return true if gene1 and gene2 have the given function. bool haveSameFunction(string gene1, string gene2, const BioFunction &function); appears in the annotation for the function specified by the first two arguments.
string MyAnnotations::getFunctionType ( string  functionName) const

Determine function's type from its name.

The method assumes that there is only one type that any function can have, so it returns the first matching type.

[in]functionName,thename of the function.
The name of the function type for functionName or the empty string if there is no matching type.
bool MyAnnotations::isAnnotatedWithFunction ( string  gene,
string  func,
string  type,
bool  beforeTruePathRule = false 

Return true if and only if gene is annotated with the function func belonging to the function category type.

[in]genethe identifier of the gene
[in]functhe identifier of the function
[in]typethe category that func belongs to
[in]beforeTruePathRuleIf this Boolean parameter is true, the method will return true iff gene is annotated with func and if this annotation existed before MyAnnotations::applyTruePathRule() was invoked. This parameter is used by MyAnnotations::isNotKnownToBeAnnotatedWithFunctionSansTruePathRule().
bool MyAnnotations::isNotKnownToBeAnnotatedWithFunction ( string  gene,
string  func,
string  type 
) [inline]

Return true if and only if gene is not annotated with respect to the function func belonging to functional category type.

[in]genethe identifier of the gene
[in]functhe identifier of the function
[in]typethe category that func belongs to

The method returns true if (i) the gene is not annotated with any function in the functional category type or (ii) this gene is in the list of genes not known to be annotated with this function (i.e., the annotation status of this gene is 0 with respect to this function.)

bool MyAnnotations::isNotKnownToBeAnnotatedWithFunctionSansTruePathRule ( string  gene,
string  func,
string  type,
GeneOntology goDAG 

Return true if and only if gene is not annotated with respect to the function func belonging to functional category type.

[in]genethe identifier of the gene
[in]functhe identifier of the function
[in]typethe category that func belongs to
[in]goDAGan instance of GeneOntology

The method returns true if (i) the gene is not annotated with any function in the functional category type or (ii) this gene is in the list of genes not known to be annotated with this function (i.e., the annotation status of this gene is 0 with respect to this function.)

The difference between this method and MyAnnotations::isNotKnownToBeAnnotatedWithFunction() is that this method should be invoked when MyAnnotations::applyTruePathRule() has not been called with the applyDownward argument set to true. This method explicitly checks the ancestors of func in goDAG to check if any of them are the most specific annotation for gene.

bool MyAnnotations::isUnknownFunction ( string  func,
string  type 
) const [inline]

Return true if and only if func is the unknown function for function category "type".

This method was useful for the Gene Ontology, before October 2006, at which point "unknown" functions were removed from GO.
void MyAnnotations::keepAnnotationsForGenes ( set< string > &  geneSet)

Delete annotations whose function is not in functionSet

functionSet,areference to a set of function identifiers. TODO: THIS DOESN'T WORK! (but it would be useful) Delete annotations for genes not in geneSet.
geneSet,areference to a set of gene identifiers.
unsigned int MyAnnotations::numAnnotatedGenes ( string  funcType,
string  function 
) [inline]

Return the number of genes annotated by the function (of category funcType).

unsigned int MyAnnotations::numAnnotatingFunctions ( string  funcType = "") [inline]

Return the total number of functions (of category funcType) annotating at least one gene.

[in]funcType,thefunctional category of interest. If this parameter is the empty string (which is the default value), the method returns the total number of functions annotating at least one gene, summed over all categories.
void MyAnnotations::printWithName ( string  fileName)

Same as MyAnnotations::print(string) except also print an additional column with the goname for the given goid. WARNING: This should only be used if the annotations are GO annotations and the GO DAG is known.

void MyAnnotations::read ( string  fileName,
string  dataType = "unweighted",
const map< string, set< string > > *  nodeAliases = NULL,
bool  mostSpecificAnnotations = false,
const set< string > *  evidenceCodesToIgnore = NULL 

Read annotations from a file.

[in]fileName,thename of the file containing the annotations.
[in]dataType,thetype of the file. Ignore this parameter. It will go away in the future.
[in]nodeAliases,amap from gene identifiers in fileName to another namespace. Each gene may have multiple aliases. After reading each (gene, function) pair from fileName, the method stores function as an annotation for each alias of gene. The method does not store the original annotation.
[in]mostSpecificAnnotations,aboolean. If the parameter is true, the method assumes that the annotations in fileName are only the most specific annotations, e.g., with respect to the GO DAG.
[in]evidenceCodesToIgnore,apointer to a set whose elements are evidence codes that the method should ignore. The method will not store annotations with these evidence codes.
void MyAnnotations::read ( string  fileName,
unsigned int  keySize 

Read annotations from a file.

[in]fileName,thename of the file containing the annotations.
[in]keySize,thenumber of columns that identify an annotated object uniquely. If this number is 1, then column 0 contains the identifier (for a gene, for example). If this number is 2, then columns 0 and 1 contain the identifier (for an interaction, for example). And so on ...

The method assumes that after columns [0 .. keySize) come the id of the annotating function, the category of the annotating function, an optional annotation status (which is always 1), and an optional evidence code.

void MyAnnotations::readEvidenceCodeWeights ( string  ecwFile) [inline]

Read evidence code weights. See GOEvidenceCodes::readEvidenceCodeWeights() for details.

Call this method after MyAnnotations::read() or MyAnnotations::readGO() so that the method can check if there is any evidence code that is used in the annotations file but does not contain a weight in ecwFile.
void MyAnnotations::readGO ( string  fileName,
unsigned int  altSymbolCol = 0 

Read GO annotations from a file in the GeneOntology format.

[in]fileName,thename of the file containing the annotations.
[in]symbolCol,anoptional additional column to consider for gene symbols. For example, sometimes the user is interested in all annotations of systematic gene id's. In the S. Cerevisiae Gene Ontology file, these are listed in Column 11. See the following link for details: Note that column 1 (not 0) indicates the first column.

The method reads a file containing GO annotations in the standard 13-column GO format.

The method adds an annotation both for the object id (column 2) and symbol (column 3) that appear each line of the file, since it is not a priori clear which column contains the correct identifiers (say those in a gene expression data set or a functional linkage network).
void MyAnnotations::storeGODAG ( GeneOntology go) [inline]

Store a pointer to an instance of GeneOntology.

void MyAnnotations::subtract ( MyAnnotations other,
MyAnnotations difference 

Find the gene-function annotation pairs in the invocant that are not in other and store these pairs in difference.

[in]other,aninstance of MyAnnotations.
[out]difference,aninstance of MyAnnotations that will contain the difference.
If you have invoked applyTruePathRule() on other but not on the invocant, then the method will include all the pairs added by applyTruePathRule() in difference.

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