Biorithm  1.1
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes
motifDataset Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for motifDataset:
database readfile

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual vector< vector< int > > * classToExperiments ()=0
virtual vector< vector< int > > * experimentsToClass ()=0
virtual string computeClassNameForSamples (const set< int > &columnSet, double frac=1) const =0
virtual int computeClassIndexForSamples (const set< int > &columnSet, double frac=1) const =0
virtual string getClassNameForSample (unsigned int index) const =0
 Return the name of the class for the sample index.
virtual unsigned int getClassIndexForSample (unsigned int index) const =0
 Return the index of the class for the sample index.
virtual string getClassName (unsigned int index) const =0
 Return the name of the class corresponding to the index.
virtual unsigned int getClassSize (unsigned int index) const =0
 Return the number of rows/samples in the class corresponding to the index.
virtual unsigned int getNumClasses () const =0
 Return the number of classes.
virtual vector< string > * probes ()=0
virtual vector< string > * samples ()=0
virtual double operator() (int, int)=0
virtual double operator() (string, string)=0
virtual bool exists (int, int)=0
virtual bool exists (string, string)=0
virtual int getColumnIndex (string name) const =0
virtual void getRowAliases (string name, set< string > &aliases) const
virtual void getRowAliases (const set< string > &names, set< string > &aliases) const
virtual void getRowsForAlias (string otherName, set< string > &rows) const
 Return the rows that have the alias otherName.
virtual int getRowIndex (string name) const =0
virtual string getRowName (unsigned int index) const =0
 Return the name corresponding to a row index.
virtual bool isAlias (string probe, string alias) const
 Return true if and only if other is an alias for probe.
virtual bool isProbe (string id) const =0
virtual void readProbeAliases (string aliasFile)=0
bool getProbeInfo (string probeId, ProbeInfo &info) const
virtual void readProbeInfo (string infoFile)=0
virtual string getProbeURL () const
virtual void setProbeURL (string url)

Protected Member Functions

void _addAlias (string probe, string alias)
void _addInfo (string probe, string symbol, string name)

Protected Attributes

map< string, set< string > > _probesToAliases
map< string, set< string > > _aliasesToProbes
map< string, ProbeInfo_probesToInfo
string _probeURL

Member Function Documentation

virtual int motifDataset::computeClassIndexForSamples ( const set< int > &  columnSet,
double  frac = 1 
) const [pure virtual]

Compute the index of the class that at least a fraction frac of the columns/samples in columnSet belong to.

Implemented in readfile.

virtual string motifDataset::computeClassNameForSamples ( const set< int > &  columnSet,
double  frac = 1 
) const [pure virtual]

Compute the class that at least a fraction frac of the columns/samples in columnSet belong to.

Implemented in readfile.

virtual int motifDataset::getColumnIndex ( string  name) const [pure virtual]

Return the index corresponding to a column name (-1 if the column does not exist).

Implemented in readfile.

bool motifDataset::getProbeInfo ( string  probeId,
ProbeInfo info 
) const

Return the ProbeInfo for a probe.

The method returns true if and only if probeId has info stored for it.

void motifDataset::getRowAliases ( string  name,
set< string > &  aliases 
) const [virtual]

Return the aliases corresponding to a row name.

If name does not have an alias, aliases is empty.
void motifDataset::getRowAliases ( const set< string > &  names,
set< string > &  aliases 
) const [virtual]

Return the aliases for multiple row names.

If no name has an alias, aliases is empty.
virtual int motifDataset::getRowIndex ( string  name) const [pure virtual]

Return the index corresponding to a row name (-1 if the row does not exist).

Implemented in readfile.

virtual bool motifDataset::isProbe ( string  id) const [pure virtual]

Returns true if and only if id is a probe in the dataset.

The method will also return true if id is an alias for a probe.

Implemented in readfile.

virtual void motifDataset::readProbeAliases ( string  aliasFile) [pure virtual]

Read aliases for probes/rows from aliasFile.

Each line in aliasFile should contain the name of one probe/row and one alias, separated by tabs. The mapping can be many-to-many.

The method ignores aliases for rows/probes/genes that are not in the dataset.

Implemented in readfile.

virtual void motifDataset::readProbeInfo ( string  infoFile) [pure virtual]

Read information for probes/rows.

Each tab-separated line in infoFile should contain the name of one probe/row, one (gene) symbol, and one name/annotation for the probe. The mapping should be one-one.

The method ignores info for rows/probes/genes that are not in the dataset.
If any probe has multiple lines, the method ignores all but the last one.

Implemented in readfile.

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